Welcome to the Laboratory of Samrat Mukhopadhyay

Systems: Biological Condensates; Intrinsically Disordered Proteins; Prions & Amyloids

Tools: Single-Molecule Biophysics; Molecular & Cell Biology; Spectroscopy & Imaging 


The overarching goal of our lab is to investigate a wide range of fascinating aspects of intrinsically disordered proteins/regions (IDPs/IDRs) that undergo macromolecular phase separation into biological condensates. IDPs challenge the tenets of the traditional structure-function paradigm and exist as a rapidly interconverting conformational ensemble rather than a single well-defined structure. The conformational plasticity allows them to adopt different structures depending on their binding partners. Therefore, a single polypeptide sequence is capable of accomplishing a range of functions. It proposed that retaining disorder is an evolutionary strategy that allows complex functions within a compact genome of higher organisms. Additionally, the dysfunction of many IDPs is associated with a range of deadly human diseases. In our lab, we utilize a diverse array of tools and concepts from chemical physics and physical chemistry to chemical biology to biophysics and molecular and cell biology to study the intriguing behavior of IDPs/IDRs that allow them to undergo phase transitions involved in a wide range of cellular functions and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and so forth. 

 For more details, see our Research page

Cover Page in Biophysical Journal special issue on Biological Condensates (Link): 

A two-color, 3D Airyscan, super-resolution microscopy image of multicomponent and multiphasic protein-nucleic acid condensates of two neuronal proteins, tau protein (green) and prion protein (red), in the presence of RNA. Image credit: Sandeep K. Rai, Roopali Khanna, and Samrat Mukhopadhyay. 

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Research Funding

IISER Mohali

Centre for Protein Science, Design and Engineering (Centre of Excellence at IISER Mohali)