Lab News
January 2025:
Read our latest paper on the inhibition of pathological prion variant Y145Stop amyloidogenesis by chaperone-mediated heterotypic phase separation.
Muskan and Poorva joined our lab as the new graduate students.
Samrat has been appointed as a council member of the Asia Pacific Protein Association (APPA).
December 2024:
Samrat has been invited to speak at the prestigious Weber Symposium in Genoa, Italy in June 2025, which is organized to honor the fundamental and far-reaching contributions of Professor Gregorio Weber - the pioneer of biological fluorescence.
Dr. Neha Jain, the first PhD student of the lab, now an Associate Professor at IIT Jodhpur, was inducted into the Young Associateship of the Indian National Science Academy (INSA).
November 2024:
Debapriya Das, a former graduate student of the lab (currently pursuing her postdoc with Ashok Deniz, at the Scripps Research Institute, California) has been selected for a platform talk at the Biophysical Society meeting (Los Angeles, Feb 2025).
Samrat delivered an invited talk at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee, as a part of their ChemDay-2024 celebration.
Ashish Joshi, a former graduate student of the lab (now a postdoc with Ben Sabari at UT Southwestern) has been selected for a platform talk at the Biophysical Society meeting (Los Angeles, Feb 2025). He'll present his exciting PhD work on single-molecule FRET & homoFRET in condensates.
Samrat presented our recent exciting work on studying biological condensates using single-molecule FRET & homoFRET at the International Conference on Optics Within Life Sciences (OWLS) at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay.
Anuja and Lisha, graduate students of our lab presented posters on their recent exciting work at the International Conference on Optics Within Life Sciences (OWLS) at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay.
Lisha Arora, the 15th PhD student of the lab, submitted her PhD thesis. She is a chemistry graduate student and did some exciting work on the application of fluorescence spectroscopy & imaging to study phase separation & aggregation of intrinsically disordered proteins.
October 2024:
Read our latest paper on energy migration via homoFRET to study modulation in the material property of biomolecular condensates in vitro & in situ (in cells), now out in Nature Communications (this is our 4th paper in Nature Communications).
Samrat delivered an invited seminar titled "Biological Phase Transitions - Where Chemistry and Physics Meet Biology", at the Hokkaido University in Sapporo and the Institute for Molecular Science, National Institute of Natural Sciences in Okazaki.
Read our latest paper on using distance-dependent tryptophan-induced quenching of Thioflavin T to map the amyloid core architecture, now out in The Journal of Physical Chemistry B.
September 2024:
Samrat is now in his Japan sojourn as the JSPS Visiting Professor at the Tohoku University. He will also visit & speak at several other universities including RIKEN, Gakushuin, Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, Tokyo, etc.
Read our latest preprint on the inhibition of amyloidogenesis of the pathological prion protein Y145Stop variant by chaperone-mediated heterotypic phase separation.
August 2024:
Samrat delivered an invited seminar titled “The Inner workings of Biological Condensates”, at The Scripps Research Institute, presenting our latest work on biomolecular condensates.
Samrat delivered an invited seminar on single-molecule FRET in condensates, at the American Chemical Society (ACS) Fall 2024 meeting, in Denver, Colorado.
Samrat visited Stanford University and delivered an invited seminar titled “Biological Phase Transitions: Where Chemistry and Physics Meet Biology”, at the Department of Chemistry, as a part of the Chemical Biology Seminar series.
Samrat delivered an invited seminar titled “Biological Condensates: Friend or Foe”, as a part of the Innovation in Healthcare series at CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow.
July 2024:
Dr. Arpita Singh who did her PhD with Dr. Rashna Bhandari from the CSIR - Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics (CDFD), Hyderabad, joined our lab for her postdoctoral stint.
Ashish received his postdoc offer from Dr. Ben Sabari's lab at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (UTSW). He will be joining soon. Congratulations to Ashish!
Dr. Dipankar Bhowmik (popularly known as DB) after his postdoc stint in our lab, joined the Pennsylvania State University as a postdoc with Prof. Stephen Benkovic & Dr. Vidhi Pareek.
June 2024:
Anusha presented a poster highlighting her latest research work at the Gordon Research Conference on Intrinsically Disordered Proteins (IDPs) 2024, Les Diablerets, Switzerland.
Samrat delivered an invited seminar on "Single-molecule biophysics of biological condensates", as part of a chemical biology workshop, at IIT Bombay.
Samrat delivered an invited seminar on "The inner workings of biological condensates" at the National Institute of Structural Biology and Bioimaging (INBEB), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
A big day for our lab! 5 students from our lab, received their degrees, at the 13th convocation of IISER Mohali. Ashish and Sandeep received their PhD degrees. Jyoti, Sneha and Shalini received their BS-MS degrees. Congratulations to all of them and all the best for their future endeavors.
Read our latest preprint on the regulation of liquid-to-solid amyloidogenic phase transitions of tau by chaperone-mediated heterotypic phase separation studied using fluorescence imaging & anisotropy, vibrational Raman, FCS & single-molecule FRET.
May 2024:
Samrat spoke at the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research Bangalore (JNCASR) on the occasion of 25 years of the Molecular Biology & Genetics Unit.
Samrat delivered an invited seminar on “The Inner Workings of Biomolecular Condensates” in the Department of Biochemistry at IISc Bangalore.
Ashish defended his PhD thesis with flying colors. Ashish is the 14th PhD student of the lab to graduate. Thanks to Prof. Amit Chattopadhyay (joined from CCMB Hyderabad) for serving as the examiner & Dr. Mahak Sharma & Prof. Anand K. Bachhawat as the thesis committee members. Many congratulations to Ashish for all his future endeavors.
Dr. Neha Jain, the first PhD student of the lab, who is now an Associate Professor at the BSBE, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Jodhpur was selected as a Young Associate of the Indian National Science Academy (INSA).
Sandeep defended his PhD thesis with flying colors. He is the 13th student of the lab to graduate. Thanks to Dr. Purusharth Rajyaguru (IISc) for serving as the examiner & Dr. Sanchita Sengupta and Dr. Sabyasachi Rakshit as the thesis committee members. Sandeep will be heading to Dr. Ryan Flynn’s lab at the Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology, Harvard University for his postdoc. Many congratulations to Sandeep for all his future endeavors.
March 2024:
Roopali received the Biophysical Journal Outstanding Poster Award for presenting her exciting research aimed at studying the phase behavior of some nuclear proteins at the 46th Indian Biophysical Society meeting, organized jointly by TIFR Hyderabad and the University of Hyderabad. Many congratulations to Roopali for such a nice achievement.
Samrat presented our lab’s exciting work on Biological condensates at the 46th Indian Biophysical Society meeting organized jointly by TIFR Hyderabad and the University of Hyderabad.
Samrat delivered an invited talk on “Biological Phase Separation – A New Phase in Biology” as a part of the Student Invited Talk Series (SITS) organized by the students of BSBE IIT Kanpur.
Samrat delivered an invited talk titled "Listening to Protein Songs Using Vibrational Spectroscopy" at the Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology.
February 2024:
Prof. Amit Chattopadhyay (CCMB Hyderabad ) & Prof. Gonzalo de Prat Gay (Fundación Instituto Leloir, Buenos Aires, Argentina), visited IISER Mohali and our lab. It was a wonderful to have some stimulating discussions and learn some exciting cutting-edge science.
Samrat delivered an invited lecture titled “A Deep Dive into Biomolecular Condensates” at the CUNY Advanced Science Research Centre, CUNY (The City University of New York). Samrat was hosted by Prof. Shana Elbaum-Garfinkle.
Read our latest preprint on the use of intermolecular energy migration via HomoFRET for capturing the modulation of material properties of phase-separated biomolecular condensates.
Samrat took charge as the Biophysical Society (BPS) IDP subgroup chair at the 68th Biophysical Society Annual Meeting held in Philadelphia, for the 2025 Los Angeles BPS meeting.
Ashish and Sandeep submitted their PhD theses for review. They were the 13th & 14th students from the lab to do so and are on their way to graduate soon. Hearty congratulations to them!
January 2024:
Samrat delivered an invited talk at “Vistas in Life Sciences 2024” – an international conference organized by the School of Life Sciences (SLS), JNU commemorating 50 years of SLS.
Samrat delivered an invited seminar titled “Biological Phase Transitions – Where Chemistry and Physics Meet Biology” at the Institute for Molecules and Materials, Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands. He also served as the external Ph.D. thesis examiner of Wojciech J. Lipinsky (Supervisor – Prof. Wilhelm T.S. Huck; Co-supervisor – Evan Spruijt).
Samrat presented recent exciting research from his lab as part of the “FocalPlane Features…” webinar series, hosted jointly by FocalPlane and Picoquant. Here’s the recorded webinar, if you have missed it.
Samrat spoke at the annual symposium “Recent Trends in Neurodegeneration” organized jointly by The Sunita Sanghi Centre of Aging and Neurodegenerative Diseases (SCAN) and BSBE (Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering), IIT Bombay.
Samrat gave an invited seminar at the Department of Biological Sciences (DBS), Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Bombay.
Sandeep K. Rai presented his exciting unpublished research work in the departmental annual symposium – DBS Seminar Day 2024, IISER Mohali.
December 2023:
Samrat has been awarded the prestigious JC Bose Fellowship.
December 29, 2023 marked 15 years of The Mukhopadhyay Lab. We had a memorable celebration at our annual lab symposium. Here's some memories.
Samrat delivered a talk at the “Droplets and Condensates in Biological Systems” symposium organized at CSIR - Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB), New Delhi.
Samrat delivered the INSA New Fellow Lecture at the annual meeting of the Indian National Science Academy (INSA) at CCMB, Hyderabad.
Samrat was invited as the JSPS Visiting Professor at Tohoku University, Japan.
Neha Jain, the first PhD student of the lab, who is currently an Associate Professor at IIT Jodhpur, has been announced as an EMBO Global Investigator.
Lisha Arora and Ashish Joshi presented posters and Sandeep K. Rai delivered a short talk, highlighting their latest exciting research work at CompFlu 2023 – an international conference on complex fluids & soft matter organized at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras, Chennai.
Samrat delivered an invited seminar at the workshop on Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation, at CompFlu 2023 – an international conference on complex fluids & soft matter organized at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras, Chennai.
Enjoy the author’s view on an exciting study using single-molecule FRET in biomolecular condensates. Read the interview of Ashish Joshi, that got featured in Biopatrika.
Samrat spoke about the recent research work of the lab at FCSXIV: 14th National Workshop on Fluorescence and Raman Spectroscopy organized jointly by the Fluorescence Society and TIFR at INST, Mohali and IISER Mohali.
November 2023:
Our latest paper on single-molecule FRET in biomolecular condensates is published in Nature Communications (this is our 3rd paper in Nature Communications).
Samrat delivered a talk titled “A Deep Dive into Biomolecular Condensates”, at the Regional Centre for Biotechnology (RCB), Faridabad, as part of the RCB seminar series, which included talks of notable scientists like Padmanabhan Balaram, Manjula Reddy, and Marcin Nowotny.
Samrat gave an invited seminar at “Trends in Emerging Nano Science: Energy, Healthcare & Quantum Materials (TENS-2023)” – an international conference organized at the Institute of Nano Science & Technology (INST), Mohali.
Samrat delivered a talk titled “Biological Phase Transitions – Where Chemistry and Physics Meet Biology” as part of the Curie week celebrations at IISER Mohali, jointly organized by the Curie club and Biology Discussion Forum - two clubs of IISER Mohali.
October 2023:
Samrat delivered an invited talk on “Biological Phase Transitions – Where Chemistry and Physics Meet Biology”, as part of a seminar series organized at the Department of Bioscience and Bioengineering (BSBE), IIT Jodhpur.
Samrat served as the PhD thesis examiner for Vishnu Kumar (Dept. of Instrumentation & Applied Physics, IISc Bangalore), who did beautiful work on Raman instrumentation & its biological applications.
Samrat delivered an invited seminar on "The Physical Chemistry of Protein Phase Transitions" in the Department of Inorganic & Physical Chemistry, IISc Bangalore.
Priyanka Dogra, a former PhD student of the lab and presently a postdoc in the lab of Richard Kriwacki at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, was featured in the Student Spotlight section of the Biophysical Society Bulletin.
Samrat delivered a Wednesday Colloquium titled “Biological Phase Transitions – Where Chemistry and Physics Meet Biology”, at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Bombay.
September 2023:
Samrat has been elected to the Fellowship of the Indian Academy of Sciences (FASc).
Samrat has been elected to the Fellowship of the Indian National Science Academy (FNA).
Sayanta received his postdoc offer from Prof. Marc Diamond's lab at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (UTSW). He will be joining soon. Congratulations to Sayanta!
Anamika joined Prof. Keren Lasker's lab at the Scripps Research Institute as a postdoc. We wish her all the very best for her future endeavors.
Samrat delivered a seminar titled “A Deep Dive into Biomolecular Condensates using Vibrational Raman and Single-Molecule FRET” at the UK-India Symposium in Chemical Biology organized jointly by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) and Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI) at the School of Chemistry, University of Bristol.
Samrat visited and delivered seminars at the University of York and the Astbury Centre for Structural Molecular Biology, University of Leeds.
August 2023:
Samrat was invited to speak at Rhetor 4.0 - the annual symposium of Proteus, the biology club of IISER Thiruvananthapuram.
Samrat joined as a Visiting Professor at IIT Bombay and delivered seminars at the Department of Chemistry and the Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering.
Samrat delivered a keynote lecture at the CSIR Institute of Microbial Technology (CSIR IMTech), at a symposium co-organized by INST Mohali and IMTech Chandigarh.
July 2023:
Samrat delivered a lecture titled “A Deep Dive into Biomolecular Condensates” at CSIR Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad.
Samrat delivered seminars at the Molecular Biophysics Unit and Organic Chemistry department, IISc Bangalore.
We received the multi-color single-molecule fluorescence upgrade module.
June 2023:
Our latest paper on the Hydrogen–Deuterium Exchange Vibrational Raman Spectroscopy of Amyloid Polymorphs by Anamika and Ashish is now out in JPC letters. Anamika is a joint corresponding author. Congratulations to all the authors!
Neha Jain, the first PhD student from the lab was promoted to the post of Associate Professor at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Jodhpur. Congratulations to her!
Anamika and Sayanta received their PhD degrees and Harshita received her BS-MS degree at the convocation held at IISER Mohali. Congratulations to them!
Samrat attended the FASEB (Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology) Conference on Protein Aggregation in Malahide, Dublin, Ireland where he chaired a session on Emerging Computational Technologies, participated in a panel discussion on Diversity in Science and gave a talk in the Liquid-liquid Phase Separation Session.
Samrat delivered an invited seminar titled “A Deep Dive into Biomolecular Condensates using Vibrational Raman and Single-Molecule FRET” at the Cambridge Centre for Physical Biology (CPB), University of Cambridge.
Samrat delivered an invited seminar titled “Prion Protein Biophysics Through the Lens of Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation: A Tale of an Intrinsically Disordered Tail” at the Cambridge Centre for Physical Biology (CPB), University of Cambridge.
May 2023
The Mukhopadhyay lab co-organized a 7-day DST-STUTI sponsored workshop on “Microscopic Techniques and Its Applications” co-organized by Amity University Punjab and IISER Mohali at IISER Mohali. Here's some glimpses of the workshop.
The lab was awarded the Ministry of Education STARS (Scheme for Transformational and Advanced Research in Sciences) grant in Chemistry.
Anamika and Sayanta defended their PhD theses. Congratulations to them!
Roopali and Dhruba have been awarded the prestigious Prime Minister's Research Fellowship (PMRF). Congratulations to them!
April 2023
Enjoy the author’s view on an exciting study that elucidates the complex mechanism of chaperone-mediated prion-like propagation of a yeast prion. Read the interview of Sayanta Mahapatra, which was featured in Biopatrika.
Our paper on the phase separation of bacterial nucleoid-associated proteins in collaboration with P. Guptasarma's lab at IISER Mohali was published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC).
Our paper on a new role of ATP in yeast conversion led by Sayanta and Anusha was published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC). Sayanta is a co-corresponding author. Congratulations to all the authors!
Samrat was selected as the Chair-Elect of the Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Subgroup of the Biophysical Society.
March 2023
Samrat gave a talk at the Tokyo University of Science (Noda Campus), and spoke at the meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan. He also visited and gave a seminar at the Gakushuin University, Tokyo.
Samrat spoke at the Cell Press Webinar on "Biophysics of neurodegenerative diseases".
February 2023
Samrat attended the 67th Biophysical Society Meeting in San Diego, where he was a session-Co Chair with Sapun Parekh for the Intrinsically Disordered Proteins subgroup. He also delivered seminars at the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of California, San Diego (UCSD) and at the Scripps Research Institute, San Diego, California.
January 2023
Samrat spoke at the 50 years of the Molecular Biophysics Unit (MBU) conference at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore.
Samrat has become a Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences (FASc).
Our latest article on the heterotypic coacervation of two neuronal proteins, tau and prion, recently published in PNAS.
November 2022
Anuja has been awarded the prestigious Prime Minister's Research Fellowship (PMRF). Congratulations to her!
September 2022
Sayanta attended and presented a poster on his work on how a complex molecular machine may control amyloid transmission at the Leuven Protein Aggregation Meeting , 2022 at Leuven, Belgium.
Samrat is invited to speak at a conference to celebrate 50 years of the Molecular Biophysics Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
Samrat was invited for a Nature podcast interview hosted by Nature Reviews Physics and Nature Communications on our recent work on vibrational Raman spectroscopy of biomolecular condensates. Listen here.
Samrat visited and delivered a seminar at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Samrat delivered a lecture at a conference by The Brazilian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and The Brazilian Society of Biophysics in São Paulo, Brazil.
July 2022
Anamika wrote an invited blog post for Nature Portfolio on our recent work on vibrational Raman spectroscopy of biomolecular condensates published in Nature Communications. Click here to read.
Samrat delivered a lecture on our work on the liquid-liquid phase separation of the prion protein at the Department of Biochemistry, University of Delhi South Campus, New Delhi as part of the Centenary Seminar Series.
June 2022
Our latest paper titled "Sub-stoichiometric Hsp104 regulates the genesis and persistence of self-replicable amyloid seeds of Sup35 prion domain" is now published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry. Congratulations to Sayanta and other co-authors! Read the article here.
Samrat visited and gave talks at EPFL Lausanne, EMBL Heidelberg and the University of Mainz on our recent work on the vibrational Raman spectroscopy of biomolecular condensates.
Samrat and Anamika attended the Gordon Research Conference on Intrinsically Disordered Proteins in Les Diablerets, Switzerland. Samrat gave an invited talk and chaired an exciting session on Tools and Methods for IDPs. Anamika presented a poster on her fascinating work on vibrational Raman spectroscopy of biomolecular condensates.
May 2022
Anamika was awarded the DST-SERB travel grant to attend the Gordon Research Conference on Intrinsically Disordered Proteins that will be held in Les Diablerets, Switzerland in June 2022. Congratulations, Anamika!
February 2022
Our latest paper got accepted for publication in Nature Communications (check back soon for more details)
Samrat is featured on the front page of the February 2022 Issue of the Biophysical Society Bulletin. Click here
January 2022
Our latest paper on internal friction in intrinsically disordered proteins is now published in JACS. Congratulations to Debapriya and Lisha! Click here
Samrat has been invited as a speaker and as a discussion leader at the Gordon Research Conference on Intrinsically Disordered Proteins that will be held in Les Diablerets, Switzerland in June 2022. Click here
Our paper on the conformational and solvation dynamics of an IDP appeared in the Journal of Physical Chemistry B (Kankan Bhattacharyya Festschrift). Click here
December 2021
Samrat has been invited to speak at the prestigious New and Notable session at the Biophysical Society meeting (San Francisco, February 2022). Click here
November 2021
Our review article on "Prion protein biology through the lens of liquid-liquid phase separation" is published in the Journal of Molecular Biology. Congratulations to Aishwarya, co-corresponding author of the article! Read the review here.
Congratulations to Anamika on receiving the Biophysical Society travel award and on getting selected as a platform speaker and a session co-chair at the Biophysical Society meeting to be held in February 2022 in San Francisco.
Our invited review article on energy migration via homo-fret, focusing on protein oligomerization and aggregation, is now published in the protein disorder special issue of Biophysical Chemistry. Read it here.
Samrat gave a virtual talk on our latest phase separation work at the Structural Biology Symposium (SimBE 2021), organized at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Watch here.
Our paper on phase separation of the disease-associated stop codon prion mutant (Y145stop) is now published in PNAS. Congratulations to the authors Aishwarya, Sandeep, and Anamika! Read the article here.
October 2021
Nature Chemistry News and Views article by Samrat on the work' A short peptide "stickers-and-spacers"-based synthon for biomolecular condensation via liquid-liquid phase separation' is now available online. Read it here.
September 2021
We bid farewell to Dr. Priyanka Singh; soon she will be joining a pharma company. All the best to Priyanka!
Congratulations to Priyanka Madhu, the joint corresponding author in our latest invited review, "Distinct types of amyloid‐β oligomers displaying diverse neurotoxicity mechanisms in Alzheimer's disease," now published in the Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. Read it here.
August 2021
Read our article "Fluorescence Depolarization Kinetics Captures Short-Range Backbone Dihedral Rotations and Long-Range Correlated Dynamics of an Intrinsically Disordered Protein" published in the special issue "125 Years of The Journal of Physical Chemistry" here. Congratulations to the authors Debapriya and Lisha!
July 2021
Samrat is appointed chair of the Department of Biological Sciences at IISER Mohali. Congratulations to him!
June 2021
Priyanka Madhu received her Ph.D. degree in our virtual convocation at IISER Mohali. She will be joining Prof. Ylva Ivarsson's lab at Uppsala University for her postdoc. Congratulations and all the best for her future!
Samrat will be chairing a session in the FASEB Protein Aggregation conference, which will be held from 23rd to 25th June 2021.
Swastik PG, who worked as a final year Master's thesis student in our lab, will be joining the City University of New York for his Ph.D. this fall.
May 2021
Our invited review article on phase separation of Tau in collaboration with the Zweckstetter group at the Max Planck Institute is now published in Protein Science. Congratulations to Sandeep and Priyanka Singh! Read the article here.
April 2021
Our paper "Conformation-specific perturbation of membrane dynamics by structurally distinct oligomers of Alzheimer's amyloid-β peptide" is now published in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Congratulations to Priyanka Madhu and Debapriya! Read the paper here.
March 2021
Our first paper on surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy is now published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, congratulations to Swapnil, Aishwarya, and Anamika! Read the exciting article here.
December 2020
Congratulations to Anupa, one of the significant drivers of the phase separation work in our lab, for receiving a postdoc offer from the Hyman lab at Max Plank Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics!
We had our third annual lab symposium on 19th December, where many of our former and current lab members participated. It was exciting to meet and discuss science with everyone virtually!
The 8th Ph.D. student from our lab graduated; congratulations to Dr. Priyanka Madhu for successfully defending her thesis titled "Mechanistic Insights into the Interaction of Conformationally Distinct Amyloid-β Oligomers with the Prion Protein and Lipid Membranes."
Get to know more about Samrat in the "Know the Editor" section of Biophysical Journal. Read it here.
November 2020
Our article on the effect of Hofmeister ions on the aggregation of an IDP is published in the Journal of Molecular Biology. Congratulations to Priyanka Dogra, Sourav, and Ashish! Read more here.
October 2020
A comprehensive summary of our work for the last 12 years, in the form of Samrat's invited feature article, is published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry B; read it here.
Our work on "Differentiating Conformationally Distinct Alzheimer's Amyloid-β Oligomers Using Liquid Crystals" in collaboration with Dr. Santanu Pal is now online in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. Congratulations to Priyanka Madhu! Read the article here.
Watch the recorded talk by Samrat at the Proteinopathy seminar here.
Samrat will give a talk on the role of intrinsic disorder and dynamics in biological phase transitions at the Proteinopathy series on October 10th.
Welcome to Dr. Priyanka Singh! As a research associate, she joined our lab and will work on IDPs/IDRs and phase separation.
Congratulations to Samrat on being promoted to Professor!
September 2020
Congratulations to Priyanka Madhu on submitting her Ph.D. thesis! Her work revolves around the interaction of amyloid-β oligomers with the prion protein and lipid membranes.
August 2020
In the virtual convocation, Priyanka Dogra and Swastik received their Ph.D. and BS-MS degrees, respectively. Congratulations to both!
We gave Priyanka Dogra a send-off; she will soon be joining the Kriwacki Research Lab at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital for her postdoc. Congratulations and all the best to her for her future aspirations!